Hidden Minds (2022) is my first solo exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan.
Psychedelic drugs were first introduced to provide relief for people who struggled with depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.
And just like how these substances may create enlightening experiences for drug users, the illustrations featured in this exhibition are spiritual invitations, asking viewers to explore their unconscious state of mind, to let go of the burdens, and to set foot into a safe space where people can all respect their feelings and be honest with themselves.
Psychedelicdrugs(迷幻藥物),最初為憂鬱、焦慮等症狀發明,為患者提供舒緩的效果。Katherine Kreates的logo是一個在閃爍的眼睛,如同一把鑰匙,開始卸下包袱與枷鎖,進入深層的淺意識世界。希望我的作品就能像迷幻成份一樣,成為心靈的出路,卸下社會的影響和自己給自己的包袱,一起來認識最深處的自我,畫出我的人生。
2021 Taipei Illustration Fair, Taipei, Taiwan